The program of the project will be divided by themes into many individual parts, which will happen in 15 separate areas (salons). The program will take place in all of the saloons at the same time, so that the visitor will have a wide offer to choose from.

PROGRAM version 1.0

What will you see on our festival?

The program presentation below is example of the best and most interesting things, which we present on our festival each year. The Festival offers you rich program in the genres of Anime, Comics, Japaneese culture, Games, Scifi, Fantasy, Pop culture and KPOP.


March 2024

September 2023


Accompanying program consists of big shows, which last 1hour more. These shows are full of excitement, fun and are the TOP things on festival taking place in the Main Cinema Hall


Costume competition, where the contestants wear self-made costumes based on existing heroes from books, comics, movies or games.

Cosplay Champions

SLovak qualifier round of international costume competition Cosplay Champions, where the the winner goes to the european finals.


Our amateur singing competition, where those who can sing and those who don't have enough self-critics compete. The show is mainly about fun.

Cosplay Theatre

Theatrical competition, where contestants suited in cosplays play an own funny scene to entertain the visitors.

KPOP World Festival in Slovakia

Slovak qualifier round for international competition in Korean POP Music. The dancers and singers perform a choreography and singing according to an existing Music Video clip. The finals are held in Korea.

KPOP Showcase

Dancing show in Korean POP music, where the dancers dance their own choreography on mixed songs or mixed choreographies from various music clips

Original Costume

Costume competition, where the contestans wear their self-amde costumes based on their own ideas or combinations of existing franchizes but in a different form.

AMV - Anime Music Video

Anime Music Video is a competition, where the goal si to cut and combine existing animated muvies into one music clip, so it matches the music in the background.

FanART & Original Art

Art competitions for artists, who draw their works in the cathegories. The first allows the use of existing franchizes draw in a new form, not copied. The second cathegory allows only own ideas and pictures.

ShortStories of IstroCON

A literature competition, where a commitee votes in 2 rounds for the best Shortstory written accordind to the set themes and rules


Súťaž pre fotografov o najkrajšiu fotku cosplayu. Súťažiaci posielajú svoje fotky, ktoré môžu a nemusia byť s úpravami a novým pozadím.


Fotografická súťaž pre milovníkov akčných figúriek. Súťažiaci posielajú svoje fotky akčných figúriek naranžovaných do rôznych prostredí a scénok.


In 2 cinema halls we screen the best movies from scifi, fantasy, horror, comics or anime genres, which are not older than one year.


We screen the newest movies based on super heroes, comics, scifi, fantasy, horror, games and other related works, which were in cinema during the last 12 months


Japanese animation are no only movies for children. We want to show this to the public and select a wide variety of movies for everyone


Main part of the program and it's types listed below take place in many rooms (SALONS) which specialize in specific genre. The rooms are: JAPAN SALON (for Japand and Anime), KOREA SALON (for KPOP a Pop Culture), FANTASY SALON (for Fantasy and Horror), SCIFI SALON (for Scifi), GAMES SALON (for Games and Comics) a ECCHI SALON (for Manga and Anime).


We provide lectures done be specialists in every genre of our festival. Together we havem ore than 150 lectures about music, martial arts, fantasy worlds, creativity, writing, interesting topics, etc.


We offer a wide variety of workshops, where you can learn something new or becamo even more skilled in writing stories, drawing, cooking japanese recipies, historic dancing, fencing, origami, gaming animations and much more.


All the time we invite the top writers, artists, actors, singers who come and do the signings for you.


The world premieres of new books, comics, movies, music albums and other creative works from our and foreign authors take place at our convention.

Panels with authors

Do you want to meet face to face with famous people? Do you want to speakto them about life, their works, or other topics? So come to our panels with the authors.

Competitions & Quizes

Quizes and creative competitions are part of our program. Come and win a prize.


Games and Tournaments form a big part of the entire fesival. The focus of this section is set so, that every visitor can enjoy it, not only professionals. Thanks to it's rich content it shows, that gammes not only exist on PC and Consoles

PC Games

The PC section is formed by the newest PCs and Notebooks provided by pur partners. Part of the machines is dedicated for freeplay of new games and the other half for tournaments in popular games like League of Legends, Counter Strike, etc.


SONY always guarantees new exciting experience on their PlayStation consoles, VR and handhelds. Also tournaments in fighting games take place in the PS Booth.


Nintendo is the oldes gaming company in the world and comes from Japan at the same time. It brings a completely different selection of games and experience to our event, than other western PC and Console gaming companies.

Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality is a technological miracle, which is slowly spreading allaround the world despite the high price. If you want to try it with the newest games for free, come to our VR Booth.

Arcade Games

Way before the age of home computers and consoles, that hat enough processing power, the arcade machines were the TOP of the gaming technology from 70s to late 90s. Thanks to ARKADY.SK we bring you these fine museum pieces. The games are set on freeplay.

Retro Games

Retro Games from the 80s and 90s never lost their charm and aged well. They might not be as advanced as nowadays games, but this simplicity shows, that they are tru art and still provide fun to new generations.

Dancing Games

Dancing games are like a sport, you have to move a lot to the music. These games are popular, so we have several o these games at the festival.

Indie Games

We give space to the developers to present their new games and this counts also for small independent studios as well.

Board Games

Board Games are a worldwide phenomenon and prove that games don't belong only into the digital world. There exist more than 50 000 board games in the world. Thanks to our partner iHRYsko you may freely take one of their games and play it. And if you need assistance, they give you helper, to teach you the game.

Card Games

Card Games together with Board Games offer a lot of content at the event. We will teach you to play these games, give some cards for free and you may event enter the tournament in Magic The Gathering and Pokemon.

GO & Shogi

These are 2 classic japanese board games. Both are based on strategy and logical thinking, we may call them the Japanese Chess as well.

Galaxy ZEGA

Galaxy Zega is a modern combat game with vehicles controlled remotely by you phone with an APP. You create your driver, choose a vehicle and abilities and go into a real battle arena to take on the orthers.


Warhammer is the world largest miniature games, where you put your miniatures together, paint them and form an army from them to take on enemies in a strategic game. It is a lot of fun, especially the painting part.


The richnees of program consists of many attractions as well. Most of the attractions are located on the outside premises of the festival.

Statues of Superheroes

The event host various decorations and statues of LIfe-size Ninja Turtles and Lego Batman. Just come and thae photo.

Photo Wall

Do you want to have a photo from the event? Come to our photo wall and our photographer will take your picture and is even able to print it for you.

Temporary Henna Tattoos

Do you want to bring a tatto home, but you don't want to have it for the rest of your life? Come to our tattoo artist and the make you a temporary tattoo with henna and you may choose ani fantasy, anime, geeky picture for it.

Arrow Tag

This sports game full of andrenaline is played by 2 teams who hide behind the prepared covers and shoot arrows at eachother. It is completely safe, there is a soft ball at the end of the arrow.


It is a computer game played in real life. 2 teams run and take cover in the arena a shoot with lasers at each other.

Historical Shooting Gallery

HIstorical Shooting Gallery is provided by HIstory group Vinedi. They give you bow and arrows and you shoot at the target.


The ZOO from Devin comes to our event and shows these astonishing big birds with sample of hunting as well on their show

Horse riding

The most beautiful sight in the world is a view from the horse's back. Come and take a ride.


Each simmilar convention in the foreighn countries has booths, where you can buy stuff related to the the focus of the festival.


We cooperate with the biggest geek shops Brloh, iHRYsko, Pro Gaming Shop, Mad Maxon and Funtastic in Slovakia. They sell a large variety of games, comics, manga, books, figures, posters, tshirts, cup, plushies and other popcultre products.


Not only shops are present on the market. We give space to publishers, developers and magazines focusing on scifi, fantasy, comics and games, where they present their works.

Artist Alley

The Artist Alley you will find various small artist and creative filks, who create their stuff on the spot. Find hand-drawn tshirts, pictures, statues and other things there.

Cosplay Stand

Cosplay is popular and we provide space for the cosplayers to meet with their fans, give autographs and sell their photos.


Is there any food or drinks at the event? Don't be afraid, there is a rich selection of foods and drinks at the event.

Snack-bar a Drinks

The most quick way to get a drink or simple food is our Snack Bar located in 3 locations. We offer bagettes, sandwiches, sweets, chips and drinks.

Tea House

Japanese culture is part of our program, so a Tea House with quality tea with place to relax is a must have on our event.

Japanese Cuisine

We are proud that we have 2 restauratns offering japanese cuisine in form of sushi, soups, desserts, ramen, etc. by Sushi Time and Gonsuke Ramen.


In the premises of the event 2 standard rastaurants (Jedna Basen and Bistro u Zitkz) are present. They offer you a nic calm place for proper meal. You may get something from their dayily menu or make order from the foods offer.

Fast Foods

Do you want to eat som warm food and get to it quick? There is a variety of stands with hamburgers, sausages, fried potatoes, kebap, pizza and american hotdogs.

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