Cosplay Village - Cosplay BoothsCosplay is very popular at our convention, therefore we offer a booth for cosplayers. It is a place where they may sell their prints, stuff and meet with fans.
HOW? - send us your application to the email address:
- In the subject specify the convention that you’d like to apply for. For example "Cosplay Village application - provide the name of the next upcoming convention that you’re applying to (AnimeSHOW or Comics Salon)". It is not possible to apply for any other convention further in the future than the next upcoming one.
- In the email give us a short description of who you are.
- Be sure to include a lot of examples (pictures) of your art and creations. You should also add a link to a webpage with your portfolio (for example your facebook / instagram / deviantart /etsy store). WHEN? We process all applications no sooner than approximately 3 months of any upcoming convention. If you will send them sooner, be prepared to wait. WHAT’S NEXT? After your application is processed, you will be notified from the same email address that your application is noted.
After the application deadline, which is usually approximately a month before the upcoming convention, we contact each applicant by email – both the successful ones as well as the ones that didn’t make it. Cosplay Village Terms and ConditionsCosplay Village accepts only creators of 16 years and older.
You are allowed to share the space with more cosplayers. Important is that the space will not be empty during the 3 days of the conventionFees Since 2025 we are charging a rental fee of 60 euro for a stand/station in our Cosplay Village. The fee covers the rental of one space/table and the entrance fee. However, this applies only for one person. This means that if you are planning on bringing any entourage or helper to help you run your stand or just to keep you company, they will need to buy a regular ticket.
The rental fees will be collected towards the end of the convention.
It is not possible to rent a spot in the Cosplay Village for less than the entire convention (3 days). If you should arrive at the convention later or would need to leave sooner, we do not refund the rental fee or even part of it. Communication After the selection process is closed, we contact the chosen artists with further instructions and also in case of any changes. That’s why it’s important for the artists to check their emails and respond more often after being selected.
If a person fails to respond to messages even after repeatedly being asked to, they will be deleted from the Cosplay Village shortlist and their spot will be offered to a substitute. Substitutes It can happen that sudden events or complications may cause, that someone from the selected artists won’t be able to attend the convention. In such cases they need to let us know asap and we can then offer their spot to the next suitable artist. The ConventionWhat will be provided - Each artist will be given their own table or rather table space.
- The convention provides its own tables measured at 0,6m x 1m. The placement as well as seating plan for artists is determined by the head organizing staff.
- There will also be a power socket at your disposal in the vicinity of each table. IMPORTANT NOTICE - considering the fact that the building, in which our convention takes place, is older and reconstructions are not up to us, nor in our power, the electrical network can get overloaded quite quickly. It is possible that in such cases you will be asked by the convention’s staff to unplug your electrical devices. Therefore please do not bring any big lamps or other highly power-demanding electric devices, because in the end we might not let you use them. What we recommend - We would like to see, if possible, that each cosplayer occupies their stand/station for all three days of the convention. However, in special cases (such as holding a presentation as part of the convention's program or helping out in other ways) or if you need to use the bathroom or go get yourself some lunch, we will of course accept your absence within a reasonable level. We would be happy if you used this opportunity to raise the visibility of your work and yourself to the maximum.
- So in case it is necessary please have someone with you that would take your place during your absence. Or share the space with another cosplayer.
- If applicable we also recommend bringing your own stands or display cases for showcasing your work.
- Bringing your own business cards (even hand painted ones) containing information for potential customers on where to find your gallery or shop online, how to contact you and etc. is also recommended. ======================================= Lastly, we would like to stress that the Cosplay Village is mainly an opportunity to raise each artist's visibility and to introduce themselves to a broader fanbase. Furthermore, we would also like for our visitors, our colleagues and the staff, to have the best possible experience while attending our convention. Therefore I would ask each artist to, whatever the situation, keep a polite, civil and professional demeanor.
If any conflicts or displays of impolite or other unwanted behavior should occur, the organizing staff of the convention reserves the right to warn or even disqualify the artist from the Cosplay Village or even to escort them from the premises.