Cosplay Theatre - AS2025

DEADLINE: 16.3.2025


Cosplay Theatre is addressed to all who want to showcase a scene, dance or other forms of performing arts. Before the registration, please read the following rules and ensure that they are met).

Cosplay Theatre - RULES
1, You may participate in this competition as individuals and groups. However, the groups can not have more than 10 members.
2, Due to the nature of the competition, competitors may wear purchased costumes.
3, Costumes of contestants do not have to be linked together - i.e from one anime / game etc.
4, Each group / individual will have the performance time of 5 minutes max. Said 5 minutes include your arrival and departure from the stage.
5, After you leave the stage must remain in such condition as prior to your arrival. Everything that you brought has to be carried away. Avoid making too big of a mess. To confirm that you have read the rules, put said words into the mail subject: AS theater 2020.
6, The scene must be suitable for young audience - no abusive comments, nudity, sexual innuendos, words or gestures. Any violation of this rule will cause your scene to be immediately interrupted and the entire team to be disqualified.
7, As part of the security, running and jumping on the stage is prohibited. No weapon may be operational (no real katanas, etc.). Open fire, use of fireworks and lasers is also prohibited.
8, Imagination has no limits. The scene can include everything, from dance numbers to fight scenes (pay attention to safety though). The scene may also contain vocals, but it must not be a full out karaoke. There is another competition for that.
9, Contestants who want to have music or pre-recorded dialogue and other sound effects in their scene, must submit the recording not later than one week before the CS/AS. You are allowed to have maximum of two recordings. If you need an advice, please feel free to contact me at the e-mail below. Videos are not allowed.
10, During your registration or before deadline at midnight at the latest, you must provide the script of scenes (if it is a theater) or description (dance, etc.). The organizer needs to know what to expect. If not, you will be excluded from the competition.
11, Remember that the competition will take place on Sunday at 12.00, Only sign in if you are present at the festival at that time. The rehearsal will probably take place on Sunday from 9:00 to 10:00. This will be specified before the event.
12, The competition will take place in the same hall as the cosplay competition (larger stage).

The organizer reserves the right to suspend or prohibit scenes for any reason.

Register here:
(It would be nice to say hello)
Group name (if you have one):
Your name(s) / nickname(s):
Anime / manga / film etc. the character comes from:
Type of performance (skit, dance etc.)
Be sure to include the correct Mail Subject for the message that is mentioned in the rules, so if you have not read them yet, please, do so now.
+ Any additional information (script, music etc.)
(It would be nice to sign)

! You must register no later than Deadline at midnight. Registration on site is not possible!

All competitors must also report to CS/AS info booth no later than Saturday 18.00, to confirm that they will indeed participate in the competition.

Any additional information will be provided by email. The organizer reserves the right to change program according to the situation. The contestants will be informed of any changes by e-mail, if possible.

DEADLINE: 16.3.2025


Copyright 1988-2025 Róbert Žittňan - All rights reserved