MAIN COMPETITIONSAMV - RULES & REGISTRATION AMV means Animated Music Video. It is a video-clip consisting of some scenes taken from one or more animes supported by music. This combination may give the AMV a new deeper hidden idea or meaning. FanArt - RULES & REGISTRATION The competitors will present their drawings based on existing anime/manga/comics/scifi/fantasy. These drawings will be part of the exposition. Original Art - RULES & REGISTRATION The competitors will present their own original drawings drawn in anime/manga/comics/scifi/fantasy style. These drawings will be part of the exposition. Karaoke - RULES & REGISTRATION The competitors will sing a song of their own choosing, accompanied by background music. They will be judged by computer Cosplay - RULES & REGISTRATION The competitors will wear their costumes, trying to imitate characters from anime, movies, games, comics or sci-fi & fantasy. They will be judged by committee and visitors
Cosplay Champions - RULES & REGISTRATION The competitors will wear their costumes, trying to imitate characters from anime, movies, games, comics or sci-fi & fantasy. They will be judged by committee. The best will go to the european finals.
Cosplay Theatre - RULES & REGISTRATION The competitors will play s scene in their costumes, trying to imitate characters from anime, movies, games, comics or sci-fi & fantasy. They will be judged by committee and visitors Original Costume - RULES & REGISTRATION The competitors will wear their original costumes not inspired by any franchise. They will be judged by committee.
KPOP Contest - RULES & REGISTRATION The competitors will compete in dacning and singing categories. They will be judged by committee. ActionPlay - RULES & REGISTRATION Photo competition for the lovers of action figures. The competitors send their photos of action figures arranged into varios scenes and backgrounds. PhotoCon - RULES & REGISTRATION Competition for the photographers. Thhe competitors send us their photos of cosplayers, which may be edited.
SHOW EVENTSCosplay Catwalk - RULES & REGISTRATION Presentation of cosplays on the stage in a for of catwalk/fashion show. Just for fun. Kpop Showcase - RULES & REGISTRATION KPOP Showcase is a Dance Show in Korean POP, where the dancers dance on KPOP with own or existing moves from music video clips